Michael Jackson ft. Kanye West-Billie Jean 2008

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    Tuesday, October 13, 2009

    Been a minute...

    Ahh, i has been quite some time, I been grinding and such things...

    But ay yo, its Video time.

    First Up, the homies over at Unkommon Kolor have been kontinuously stepping their game up since '07, as part of their growth they are retiring their old logo the Kloud...peep the video

    Death of the Kloud from Unkommon Kolor on Vimeo.

    So, around here, Miley Cyrus' Party in the U.S.A. is that biz nass, and I found this on someone's blog: its a mix between B.I.G.'s Party and Bullshit and Miley's Party in the U.S.A....Shit's lowkey hot!

    In other news, Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize and I was on t.v.!!! Check me out:

    And last but not least!!! Death of Paper Greeks lol

    -T. "From here on out, I'm only playing ROCK, SCISSORS!!!!"