Michael Jackson ft. Kanye West-Billie Jean 2008

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    Wednesday, November 26, 2008

    Go Buy the NEW KANYE CD

    BUT! If you like free music better...Here's the latest installment in the Lil Wayne mixtape series:


    -T. "...I dress white but my swag so urban"- Kanye

    Friday, November 21, 2008

    808s and Heartbreak

    Mr. West invites you to listen to


    I personally prefer some of the leaks to the final product...Specifically (Welcome to Heartbreak, Robocop and Streetlights)...


    Thursday, November 20, 2008

    Jeremy Biggers-Photographer Extraordinaire




    Clash of the Cameras

    I need your help. The beautiful ladies over at http://thekommonthread.blogspot.com conducted the first ever “Clash of the Cameras” between myself and Free of http://theycallmefree.blogspot.com and I need your vote. I know the word “vote” and the whole idea of voting has been a bit over-saturated this season, but nevertheless, this is the first competition I’ve ever entered as a photographer and it would be really swell if you would do your part in helping me win. Sure the prize is nothing more than bragging rights, but a win is a win right? I’m not as eloquent as Barack, and I don’t think I could mimic his cadence through text so I’ll spare you the speech. I’ll simply post the images with a brief description to allow you some sort of insight, but first allow me to explain the stipulations of the competition. Both of us were given 10 words or phrases, and had to photograph our interpretation of each word or phrase.

    My goal for each of these images was to take the less obvious route in my interpretation. Force the viewer to wonder why I chose what I did to express each concept. So lets get right into it.

    Black and White: This image is fairly straight forward. Just a “black and white” image. Hard to get less obvious with something this specific.

    Portrait: The first thing you notice is the macro shot of someone’s eye… but if you look closely there is “more than meets the eye”… I understand that was corny… and I’m ok with that.


    Greek Life: I’m not big on Frats or Sororities so I really couldn’t care less about this particular subject matter but it was on the list so I had do what I had to do. Meh…

    Historic Building: I’ve always wanted to shoot the “Old Red Courthouse” and this was my perfect opportunity to do so. I used a less than typical angle to capture this red brick castle turned museum.

    Finer things in Life: My original concept for this was to shoot a 5-7 yr old in her mother’s dress and jewelry or slip and her displaying the “ring pop” like she was immensely proud of her engagement ring in a larger than life condescending manner. But the people that owned the kids kept flaking so I had to use my friend’s 2 year old. Needless to say a 2 year old isn’t the ideal “following directions” type. So I tweaked the concept and essentially shot until I got an image I thought I could use.

    Motion: Concert photography. Throwing your hands in the air and waving them like you just don’t care qualifies as “motion” right?

    Lust: You’ll need to view this image at full size to “get it”. Its more than just two women sharing an intimate moment, which seems to be the consensus for every male's fantasy. The two women you think you see is actually one woman… twice. Showing two sides of the same coin.

    The Hood: The house my family lived in when we were at our lowest point financially.

    Something Dealing With the Election: Black man. Chicken. Barack t-shirt. Doesn't get more clean cut than that.

    Image that reflects who you are as a photographer: I don’t really consider myself a photographer per se. I’m more of an artist with an expensive hobby. I’m essentially nothing more than a graphic designer/painter that went out and bought a good camera. I’m a nerd. And I’m also a bit of a goof ball. I’m just a big kid. I enjoy life. So what better way to tie all these things together than a photo of me in footie pajamas with a huge head and large childlike eyes, floating in space with some other graphic design elements tossed in for good measure. No, that’s not just a picture of my head on someone else’s body. I actually went out and found some pjs that actually fit me. Everything about this image was done from scratch. No, stock images used what so ever.

    So there you have it. My ten images from the first ever “Clash of the Cameras”. Now that you have the backstory that no one else will have the opportunity to know, go on over to http://thekommonthread.blogspot.com and vote for me! While I appreciate any love you leave me in my comment section (hint hint) only the votes left on their site will count. Voting ends Tuesday November 25 at midnight, but why wait until the last minute? There might be lines on the last day of voting, and no one likes to stand in line. You may as well go now... you're obviously on the internet what's one more click?


    ALSO...Check out J and Blue the Great at http://www.Unkommonkolor.com for some freshgear

    -T. "What she got is so Niagra..."

    Wednesday, November 19, 2008

    Hot Hot Hot.

    Courtesy of BLUE THE GREAT from http://prettyfuckindope.blogspot.com/ and His brother at http://flynesseffect.blogspot.com/ :

    A.F. Presents:

    Listen to it if you love Hip-Hop. It's fresh. As usual.

    "I ain't a nupe, but I'll certainly Kappa Nigga"

    Once again, thanks to BTG.

    -T. "...I'm Fresher than a day old"

    Monday, November 17, 2008

    1000+ Hits!!

    From Devin T. : Hey all!!! So, the realms of Ancient Fortification have been visited over 1000 times in 2 weeks! I just wanted to take the time to thank you for stopping by and seeing what we have to say and of course getting updated on life and freshness and all those good things!

    So, what's to come?????

    More Music.
    A new writer writing on Romance/Love advice
    More Political ish from RAW
    More general freshness from T.

    So, its been awesome. On to 2000.

    From Robert Weir: So 1000 already! I would like to thank all the readers who aspire to any kind of fortification in life. Rest assured that the spirit of this blog will be kept with more freshness from T., conventional wisdom from myself and more to come. Keep visiting in order to keep up on all the good things in life. Also don’t be afraid to comment or give the writers any kind of feedback. Don’t want to lose touch like the Republican Party, know what I mean?

    Humbly Yours,
    ~Rob Weir “R.A.W”
    On to 2000!

    Sunday, November 16, 2008

    Lil Wayne- Dedication 3

    For all those weezy lovers out there:

    Saturday, November 15, 2008

    Post Op...

    Hey all!

    My surgery is done. I appreciate all the support that I got from everyone!!!! Percocet is some wild stuff, so I'm getting off of that foolishness! Anyway. I won't be walking for the next month or so and I won't be running for another 3-4 months, so, holla at me.

    That's all for today. Here's a pre-op video......

    Yours truly,

    "Tell everybody THAT you know...."

    Wednesday, November 12, 2008

    Palin 2012?

    If you watch or read the news regularly you have been overwhelmed by the amount of coverage over the past election and its participants. Get used to it or it’s going to be a long four years. There has been one key, conspicuous figure leading the articles. None other than Sarah Palin herself. As the Republican Party goes through a bout of “soul searching” due to their resounding loss, the argument of whether Palin was good/bad for the election is just beginning. She even went into an interview with Wolf Blitzer and declared she would be honored to help out the Obama administration. If you’re curious she didn’t botch this one and even managed to hurl some sly comments, saying Obama hung out with an “unrepentant domestic terrorist” (William Ayers). Sigh…and so it continues.

    Along with this tension is the radical notion of a Palin 2012 campaign. Once you think about it a Palin presidential campaign seems a rational idea. After all, McCain’s only leads in the polls came after Palin was chosen as his running mate. From then on she drew huge crowds and press. The successes were tempered by her poor performance during debates and interviews (Russian vista outside her backdoor???). The question is can she garner support and pull together a Republican Party that is splitting over the issue of its identity. The republicans are struggling over the choice of whether to be defined by religious moralism, libertarianism or neo-conservatism (too many –isms). Palin’s grassroots populism and moralism have the potential to divide the party further, but hey…the Republicans might have no choice but to court a radical leader in the guise of an Alaskan governor (Mooseburgers). That is, until a centre-right leader can effectively lead their ailing party.

    If you’re interested in what the public thinks about this, a little more than half of the American public has an unfavorable view toward her. Indeed history works against her as the track records of past vice-presidential hopefuls running for the top office is dismal (John Edwards anyone?)
    Humbly Yours,
    Rob Weir "R.A.W"

    Super Obama World


    Gather round boys and girls and try out the latest sensation among the Obama products following in the wake of his election. You may have heard of the Obama condoms (seriously there are some) or the Obama blowup dolls but I would like to introduce Super Obama World. It is basically a video game that allows players to move President–elect Obama over the state of Alaska (super Mario style). Watch out for Sarah Palin because she is keeping me stuck on level 1.

    The game is free and the developers of Zensoft plan to update and add features as Obama goes through his presidency. I’ll be tracking high scores in comments. Winner gets one of those Obama condoms. http://www.obamacondoms.com/ “Experience is Not Necessary”

    Humbly Yours,
    Rob Weir "R.A.W"

    Monday, November 10, 2008

    IT Band and Psoas Release

    So, some people know, some people don't but I have to get surgery on Thursday on my hip. So, everyone always asks whats wrong with it. Here's a lil interactive guide!

    Problem 1: IT BAND holding on my strands

    Problem 2: Torn Psoas Muscle

    Problem 3: Partially torn Labrum

    Solution 1: IT Band Release

    Solution 2: Psoas Release

    So, basically, I'ma be hurt for a while and I'd appreciate all your prayers and support. If you live here at West Point, come visit me, my surgery is Thursday, 1100 and I'll be at the hospital Wednesday and Thursday night.

    Thanks for stopping by the blog as usual. Send ya boy a card or something!

    CDT Devin T. Adams
    P.O. Box 34
    United States Military Academy
    West Point, NY 10996


    Devin T. Adams
    CO. H-2
    745C Brewerton Rd.
    United States Military Academy
    West Point, NY 10997

    -T. and RAW

    Sunday, November 9, 2008

    Kanye West - Heartless

    Heartless from kwest on Vimeo.

    Read Rob's post below and welcome. (The last paragraph is the best)

    -T. and RAW


    What exists, exists; what is, is and from this principle all knowledge is built. Reason is the only way a person can make sense of the myriad of information bombarding him daily. To believe in contradictions to reason is to throw away your method of survival, your perception of what is. Instead you will only seek what fancies your mind or any random impulse you have, and suffer the penalty for your blind devotion.

    The point I make is that life is in the future and not in the past. Yes, the past teaches us and through those experiences, prepares us to achieve the things that lay ahead. However to live in the past is to effectively doom yourself to the dead. What is in the past is dead. As rational thinking beings we must use our intellect and not our attachment to how things were, to make rational choices. We, in the past couple of days have been forced to see what such an attachment brings. People who for whatever reason refuse to see the truth thrash against it and threaten violence. Peoples minds are full of knowledge, facts, and assumptions that are mostly false, but they have the hubris to believe them true To those who see the truth see their actions as pure ignorance. Truth, after all is based on the real world, and not fancy.

    I would like to call for an attention to the truths of life. It is the only reason I wanted to be a part of this blog with my brother and co-writer Devin T Adams. Only by making a commitment to this struggle do you allow yourself to grow as a human being, to expand your soul. To have the dedication to look behind the façade that life gives you and see the deeper meaning behind every scrap of information is one of the ultimate goals I set for myself in life. My hope is that you, the reader, strives to achieve that lofty goal. The purpose of my involvement in this blog is to expose people to the facts. Not imprint on their minds what I think the facts are but rather as I first found them, raw and unmarred. People have the wrong idea about this blog being a forum to coerce people into believing or hating certain views. I may write what I think of the facts but my interpretation by no means obligates you to heed it or read it. I find it acceptable to post the facts and let people form their own opinions. I would be happy to hear them whatever they may be.

    “Fortifying minds through intellectual exposure and discourse”

    ~Rob Weir

    Friday, November 7, 2008

    More Facebook Foolishness.

    Texas' Buck Burnette Learns Why Racist Obama Facebook Updates Are Dumb

    For those that don't know, Facebook status updates are broadcast to everyone you know. So, if you're going to post something that sounds racist or bigoted, well, don't.

    Texas Longhorn lineman Buck Burnette learned this the hard way. See, here was Buck's Facebook status following Barack Obama's win the presidential election:
    "all the hunters gather up, we have a #$%&er in the whitehouse"
    Geez, Buck. Even if you actually feel that way -- which is sad -- why not just keep it to yourself? You know, instead of telling five million people. But he didn't, and naturally, he is now paying the price; he's been kicked off the UT football team.

    On the very tiny bright side, Burnette at least claims to be somewhat remorseful and not racist, issuing the following apology:
    Clearly I have made a mistake and apologized for it and will pay for it. I received it as a text message from an acquaintance and immaturely put it up on facebook in the light of the election. Im not racist and apologize for offending you. I grew up on a ranch in a small town where that was a real thing and I need to grow up. I sincerely am sorry for being ignorant in thinking that it would be ok to write that publicly and apologize to you in particular. I have to be more mature than to put the reputation of my team at stake and to spread that kind of hate which I dont even believe in. Once again, I sincerely apologize.

    Yeah, that's all fine and dandy, but it doesn't really help the whole situation.




    Immediately after Obama I was in shock to log on to facebook and see that my "friends",former school mates and etc really felt...
    I have been known to be the Wendy Williams of Facebook...
    so you feeling bold huh?
    well so am i...

    look closely at that middle status
    Lindsey Boggs is going to shoot herself before all the N*GGERS get a chance?
    well here you go Lindsey

    and to think your religion is Catholic..
    I hope you know Jesus was Jew...


    Mike Eckert wants to know can he sell Obama?
    oh yea since he doesnt have a regular profile pic here ya go

    Evan Riley called us jungle bunnies? Wow, that is classic racism.. I haven't heard that since like that movie Mississippi Burning...

    4.Ryan Brossette said he did not vote for Obama,its because he is black. and i despise all blacks. i guess i'lll go sleep with my cousin and practice tying my noose...
    and incase you didnt know what Ryan looked like well here ya go..

    5.Shane Abel has several statuses.. lets see what they say..
    Shane says Can we still call it the White House??? or is that gonna be a racial slur???? Is it more appropriate to call it the Chocolate Castle, or the jiggaboo IGLOO
    or how bout this one : "the next 4 years are looking dark"
    or even better "stay WHITE vote McCain/Palin"
    and once again here is Shane >>>

    So am I wrong for posting these people ? Well no... lol i'm exercising my first amendment :-)
    and is this defamation..?well no, because hey ..YOU wrote it.. so since you're SO PROUD to be a racist..here you go.. now the world can know how ignorant and hateful you really are..
    and all racist out there who are mad because Obama won.. blame your own people because hey... your people out number us(minorities) anyways...

    disclaimer: i am in no way a racist, or against any race(i'm biracial myself)..if you are offended.. then you're probably just like these guys... so you don't like it.. you know where the hell to go.. :-)

    Response to Blueprint for Change and Election Aftermath

    sSo, it is done, the president-elect has been voted into office and by a convincing margin. People all over America celebrated and continue celebrating, especially the minority, namely the black community. While on the other side of things, many of those who supported John McCain have proven to be the sorest losers in the world with such comments seen on Facebook statuses:

    _____ is in the ER, dont worry, nothing too big, Im just trying to remove my foot out of the ass of any white person who voted for Obama.

    Frequent threats to leave the country for Mexico, Canada, etc.


    _____ IS Thanks America, we're officially screwed.

    Here it is seen as well, once the election was decided, someone started playing the Soviet national anthem, making monkey noises, and screaming "WE'RE DOOOMED, HE'S BLACK!" and pelting water balloons, milks, and rocks at Obama supporter's windows and at them.

    Let's grow up. I have been criticized for my support of Mr. President as unprofessional as I am urged to stay A-political. You have not seen me say anything negative about Sen. McCain, he is an outstanding servant of America. Gov. Palin...well...lets just say I'm a Dallas Mavericks fan, just not a fan of these Mavericks. Calling the President-elect by an overwhelming electoral vote and a 7% popular vote a socialist is foolish, ESPECIALLY since there are not that many changes in certain areas.

    So, Obama's 'Blueprint for Change' is posted below, read it and see what you like and don't like. If you hate it, write your congressman, this administration was created by the facilitation of democracy and the system, so USE IT! Here is my assessment of the plan. Like anything else in life I only highlighted the things that affect me most.


    Under the last Republican 8 years, the "champions of the military" allowed our top military hospital to be a crumbling mess that reflects those of poor inner city America. Obama addresses this issues in his 'blueprint' that truly reflect the problems in the military community.

    Improving the transition from deployment
    Taking more care of PTSD
    More assisstance for the care of wounded soldiers returning
    Veterans budget shortfalls
    Battling discrimination against guardsmen and reservists by employers
    Battle the homeless problem for veterans

    National Security/Current Military:

    Improve spending for GROUND TROOPS, cut back on wasteful spending for costly AF and Navy programs

    His head is definitely right here.


    Few of you know my commitment to the importance of early education and its correlation to overall academic success. With that said, I am excited to see Obama also supports a reform of No Child Left Behind
    Limit colleges' ability to run schools as a business for profit and refocus on actual education
    Improve K-12
    Establish 0-5 programs that help to educate rather than act as holding areas (daycare)

    Some things I disagree with:

    Minimum wage to $9.50...Its currently $6.55 since 24 July 08 moving to $7.25 soon

    "Promise neighborhoods" Essentially projects which have proven to be far worse for those living in them than anything else.

    Anyway, thats what I think...Read it and decide what you think. Thanks for taking the time to either read/skim this.

    Thanks for visiting the blog.

    Go download some music.

    Wednesday, November 5, 2008

    Blueprint for Change


    Like him or not...

    Here are his plans for America...



    The President is the face and representation of America.

    A 72 year old caucasian male no longer represents the majority and interests of all American people.

    A half white, half black man who has made a name and career for himself does though. He represents the "melting pot" that is America both in his views and in his very being.

    I am from the home of the Civil Rights movement. More racial ground was forged and more blood shed on the streets of Birmingham, AL than anywhere else in America. It was MLK who wrote letters from a jail there that inspired America.

    I was once told by a elementary school teacher that a person with any oz. of black blood would never lead this country in response to me saying I wanted to be the first 5star general and the first black president.

    We have come so far from the 60's but the scars are still deep throught America. Let us take this historic event as a step forward for America and as a chance to Unite and truly change the direction of America.

    Look how far we've come:

    So, whether you are an ultra conservative or a ultra liberal, I ask you to take a moment and reflect the monumentous occasion that has happened tonight.

    I believe WE can do this. I believe HE can do this. America has spoken and overwhelmingly so, with a voice that has been timid and weak for decades behind the dynasties of status quo that were the Reagan, Clinton, and Bush administrations. So, say it with US, my president-elect and I and all Americans all over.


    Tuesday, November 4, 2008

    NEW Mixtape!

    Mixtape with The Cool Kids, The Knux, 88 Keys, B.O.B., Charles Hamilton and MORE

    Sunday, November 2, 2008


    Hey! This is a hot hot hot cd of Instrumentals, it's made by the black dude from DERRICK Comedy (bro rape. mafia, etc.)

    It's a really chill cd like a mellow Daft Punk. Check it out. The song playing right now is from this cd, so check it out and I promise it won't disappoint!

    Love Letter in an Unbreakable Bottle- mcDJ/Childish Gambino