Michael Jackson ft. Kanye West-Billie Jean 2008

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    Friday, November 7, 2008

    Response to Blueprint for Change and Election Aftermath

    sSo, it is done, the president-elect has been voted into office and by a convincing margin. People all over America celebrated and continue celebrating, especially the minority, namely the black community. While on the other side of things, many of those who supported John McCain have proven to be the sorest losers in the world with such comments seen on Facebook statuses:

    _____ is in the ER, dont worry, nothing too big, Im just trying to remove my foot out of the ass of any white person who voted for Obama.

    Frequent threats to leave the country for Mexico, Canada, etc.


    _____ IS Thanks America, we're officially screwed.

    Here it is seen as well, once the election was decided, someone started playing the Soviet national anthem, making monkey noises, and screaming "WE'RE DOOOMED, HE'S BLACK!" and pelting water balloons, milks, and rocks at Obama supporter's windows and at them.

    Let's grow up. I have been criticized for my support of Mr. President as unprofessional as I am urged to stay A-political. You have not seen me say anything negative about Sen. McCain, he is an outstanding servant of America. Gov. Palin...well...lets just say I'm a Dallas Mavericks fan, just not a fan of these Mavericks. Calling the President-elect by an overwhelming electoral vote and a 7% popular vote a socialist is foolish, ESPECIALLY since there are not that many changes in certain areas.

    So, Obama's 'Blueprint for Change' is posted below, read it and see what you like and don't like. If you hate it, write your congressman, this administration was created by the facilitation of democracy and the system, so USE IT! Here is my assessment of the plan. Like anything else in life I only highlighted the things that affect me most.


    Under the last Republican 8 years, the "champions of the military" allowed our top military hospital to be a crumbling mess that reflects those of poor inner city America. Obama addresses this issues in his 'blueprint' that truly reflect the problems in the military community.

    Improving the transition from deployment
    Taking more care of PTSD
    More assisstance for the care of wounded soldiers returning
    Veterans budget shortfalls
    Battling discrimination against guardsmen and reservists by employers
    Battle the homeless problem for veterans

    National Security/Current Military:

    Improve spending for GROUND TROOPS, cut back on wasteful spending for costly AF and Navy programs

    His head is definitely right here.


    Few of you know my commitment to the importance of early education and its correlation to overall academic success. With that said, I am excited to see Obama also supports a reform of No Child Left Behind
    Limit colleges' ability to run schools as a business for profit and refocus on actual education
    Improve K-12
    Establish 0-5 programs that help to educate rather than act as holding areas (daycare)

    Some things I disagree with:

    Minimum wage to $9.50...Its currently $6.55 since 24 July 08 moving to $7.25 soon

    "Promise neighborhoods" Essentially projects which have proven to be far worse for those living in them than anything else.

    Anyway, thats what I think...Read it and decide what you think. Thanks for taking the time to either read/skim this.

    Thanks for visiting the blog.

    Go download some music.


    G4 Academics said...

    The minimum wage hike is more realistic when you look at it in terms of the minimum wages in individual states. For exampl,e bcak home and where Obama's from, the minimum wage is $7.50, moved up a buck from 6.50 just the past two years to account for rising housing costs, etc.

    Devin T said...

    O, ok, see in Alabama it's still $5.15, I figured it was probably higher in Illinois, but I know a lot of states still use the federal minimum wage, so a hike from $5 to almost $10 is kinda crazy.

    Thanks for commenting.