Michael Jackson ft. Kanye West-Billie Jean 2008

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    Friday, December 19, 2008

    The Benefits of Being Smart

    If you have been reading the news for anything other than the Blagovich scandal, the recession, or how the Kennedy clan is trying to take over the world again, you would have heard about Obama’s cabinet picks here and there. The purpose of the presidential cabinet is to advise and assist him in the administration of the government. It includes everything from the Secretary of State to the Secretary of the Interior (what??). Needless to say the cabinet is important.
    As Obama stocks his administration with experts who are competent in their jobs no less (Hilary as Secretary of State, Ken Salazar as Secretary of the Interior (what??), it is clear that America is going back to being smart. I mean intellectualism and not acting dumb. The trends of past presidents were in order to appear to relate to the population. In order to distance themselves from being elite presidents such as Reagan and Nixon made their images into, dare I say it, Joe the Plumber.
    Of course the people ate it up in 2000, compared to lame but brilliant Al Gore, defiantly ignorant George Bush was your homeboy (much like Jesus). For some reason everyone has hated the smart guy for over 50 years. I don’t know if its human nature or an American trait but everyone distances themselves away from the nerd. I think this trait because we as human beings have a fear of being patronized and proved inadequate. Thankfully, America is coming around. Sometime between the debacles of Iraq, Katrina and the recession America woke up and realized that maybe (and this is a crazy idea), that people who don’t know much about government don’t run it very well. Prime example is (my favorite person) Sarah Palin, when she spoke, ratings tumbled.
    Are there are dangers to stocking the government with braniacs? Sure there are, but I trust a person with intelligence to weather the ship of our nation through a storm of crises rather than a fun guy who falls asleep at the wheel.

    Withthat said….Devin T. for governor of Virginia 2028.

    Humbly Yours,
    ~ Rob Weir "R.A.W"
    "yall slaves to my rhymebook...illmatic with some common sense, cassius clay, confidence, conscious, overated yet understated."

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