Michael Jackson ft. Kanye West-Billie Jean 2008

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    Thursday, November 20, 2008

    Jeremy Biggers-Photographer Extraordinaire




    Clash of the Cameras

    I need your help. The beautiful ladies over at http://thekommonthread.blogspot.com conducted the first ever “Clash of the Cameras” between myself and Free of http://theycallmefree.blogspot.com and I need your vote. I know the word “vote” and the whole idea of voting has been a bit over-saturated this season, but nevertheless, this is the first competition I’ve ever entered as a photographer and it would be really swell if you would do your part in helping me win. Sure the prize is nothing more than bragging rights, but a win is a win right? I’m not as eloquent as Barack, and I don’t think I could mimic his cadence through text so I’ll spare you the speech. I’ll simply post the images with a brief description to allow you some sort of insight, but first allow me to explain the stipulations of the competition. Both of us were given 10 words or phrases, and had to photograph our interpretation of each word or phrase.

    My goal for each of these images was to take the less obvious route in my interpretation. Force the viewer to wonder why I chose what I did to express each concept. So lets get right into it.

    Black and White: This image is fairly straight forward. Just a “black and white” image. Hard to get less obvious with something this specific.

    Portrait: The first thing you notice is the macro shot of someone’s eye… but if you look closely there is “more than meets the eye”… I understand that was corny… and I’m ok with that.


    Greek Life: I’m not big on Frats or Sororities so I really couldn’t care less about this particular subject matter but it was on the list so I had do what I had to do. Meh…

    Historic Building: I’ve always wanted to shoot the “Old Red Courthouse” and this was my perfect opportunity to do so. I used a less than typical angle to capture this red brick castle turned museum.

    Finer things in Life: My original concept for this was to shoot a 5-7 yr old in her mother’s dress and jewelry or slip and her displaying the “ring pop” like she was immensely proud of her engagement ring in a larger than life condescending manner. But the people that owned the kids kept flaking so I had to use my friend’s 2 year old. Needless to say a 2 year old isn’t the ideal “following directions” type. So I tweaked the concept and essentially shot until I got an image I thought I could use.

    Motion: Concert photography. Throwing your hands in the air and waving them like you just don’t care qualifies as “motion” right?

    Lust: You’ll need to view this image at full size to “get it”. Its more than just two women sharing an intimate moment, which seems to be the consensus for every male's fantasy. The two women you think you see is actually one woman… twice. Showing two sides of the same coin.

    The Hood: The house my family lived in when we were at our lowest point financially.

    Something Dealing With the Election: Black man. Chicken. Barack t-shirt. Doesn't get more clean cut than that.

    Image that reflects who you are as a photographer: I don’t really consider myself a photographer per se. I’m more of an artist with an expensive hobby. I’m essentially nothing more than a graphic designer/painter that went out and bought a good camera. I’m a nerd. And I’m also a bit of a goof ball. I’m just a big kid. I enjoy life. So what better way to tie all these things together than a photo of me in footie pajamas with a huge head and large childlike eyes, floating in space with some other graphic design elements tossed in for good measure. No, that’s not just a picture of my head on someone else’s body. I actually went out and found some pjs that actually fit me. Everything about this image was done from scratch. No, stock images used what so ever.

    So there you have it. My ten images from the first ever “Clash of the Cameras”. Now that you have the backstory that no one else will have the opportunity to know, go on over to http://thekommonthread.blogspot.com and vote for me! While I appreciate any love you leave me in my comment section (hint hint) only the votes left on their site will count. Voting ends Tuesday November 25 at midnight, but why wait until the last minute? There might be lines on the last day of voting, and no one likes to stand in line. You may as well go now... you're obviously on the internet what's one more click?


    ALSO...Check out J and Blue the Great at http://www.Unkommonkolor.com for some freshgear

    -T. "What she got is so Niagra..."

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