Michael Jackson ft. Kanye West-Billie Jean 2008

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    Wednesday, November 12, 2008

    Super Obama World


    Gather round boys and girls and try out the latest sensation among the Obama products following in the wake of his election. You may have heard of the Obama condoms (seriously there are some) or the Obama blowup dolls but I would like to introduce Super Obama World. It is basically a video game that allows players to move President–elect Obama over the state of Alaska (super Mario style). Watch out for Sarah Palin because she is keeping me stuck on level 1.

    The game is free and the developers of Zensoft plan to update and add features as Obama goes through his presidency. I’ll be tracking high scores in comments. Winner gets one of those Obama condoms. http://www.obamacondoms.com/ “Experience is Not Necessary”

    Humbly Yours,
    Rob Weir "R.A.W"

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