Michael Jackson ft. Kanye West-Billie Jean 2008

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    Friday, December 26, 2008

    Barack the Magic Negro

    Tennessee Republican, Chip Saltsman is under fire for a Christmas CD he sent to other republicans. The CD included such favorites as “Wright place, wrong pastor”, “Ivory and Ebony”, and the “Star Spanglish banner”. All these are disagreeable in their own right. However the track that everybody focused on was “Barack the Magic Negro”, yes, “Barack the Magic Negro”.

    As with all things Wikipedia has a definition for this:
    The magical negro (sometimes called the mystical negro or magic negro) is a supporting, often mystical stock character in fiction who, by use of special insight or powers, helps the white protagonist get out of trouble. The word negro, now considered by many as archaic and offensive, is used intentionally to suggest that the archetype is a racist throwback, an update of the "Sambo" and "savage other" stereotypes
    So think God( Morgan Freeman) in Bruce Almighty or Morpheus in The Matrix.

    Wow…..just wow... or "Absurd"- Devin T.

    Full Story here: http://edition.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/12/26/rnc.obama.satire

    ~Humbly Yours,
    Rob Weir "R.A.W"

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