Michael Jackson ft. Kanye West-Billie Jean 2008

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    Tuesday, December 9, 2008

    Catching You Up

    Long time no see. My sincerest apologies for being ghost for the past month. Luckily Devin T. has been holding down the blog with the rhythmic genius and artistic genius. Now we shall add some intellectual fortification to the heady mix of enlightenment we call Ancient Fortification.
    This post is dedicated to catching you up on the goings on in our nation (mainly about Barack Obama). It would be poor form to start discussing politics and philosophy without first giving my readers a good background in the current events. I would be remiss if I was the sole cause of the Palin generation, a group of anti-intellectuals that have cravings for moose-burgers (I shudder at the thought).

    Here is a post by Slate that summarizes Barack Obama’s first month as president-elect in two minutes. Enjoy!

    Humbly Yours,
    Rob Weir “R.A.W”

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