Michael Jackson ft. Kanye West-Billie Jean 2008

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    Monday, December 8, 2008

    So, there are a couple of big blogs I look at...one of which is Gowhere Hip-Hop, a Chicago based blog, anyway, I stole this from them...for you!!!: ENJOY

    “Well here it is, the complete series of my version of 808s & Heartbreak song covers! I begin with the initial cover for the album, and then go song by song, as they’re presented on the album, each telling a story through imagery, as a metaphor for the journey Kanye West has traveled that allowed us this genius piece of work, 808s & Heartbreak. Each cover looks to create a sort of frame by frame for the album as a whole, with imagery relating to each song, a still shot from each song that allows you to use the lyrics and project your interpretations of each song onto the piece. This is my tribute to Kanye West, whose trials and tribulations have undoubtedly made this the album of the year, if not this decade in my opinion, and a tribute to his mother Donda West as well. So I hope you enjoy this artwork, and please feel free to let me know what you think.” [Fred Hart aka Fhart06]

    Fred Hart
    University of Arizona [Fine Arts]

    My favorite cover goes to:

    See you in my nightmares

    2nd Place:


    What do you think??? Comment on your fave.

    -T. "...can't stop having these visions, gotta keep living...."

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    all of them were intriguing